Thursday, September 08, 2011

Right Person at Right Place - Mindset

“Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu.” I would like to first start with Onam wishes filled with Peace, Prosperity and the blessings of almighty to each and every creations in this world. My Hearty Onashamsagal to all.

Onam is the celebration on the occasion of the homecoming of the Great King Mahabali (Maveli). It is said that during his regime the world witnessed the presence of Heaven on Earth. There is a famous song on it that’s sung over Onam which starts as “maveli nadu vaneedum kalam…” The translation goes thus:

"When Maveli, our King, ruled the land,
All the people were equal.
And people were joyful and merry;
They were all free from harm.
There was neither anxiety nor sickness,
Deaths of children were unheard of,
There were no lies,
There was neither theft nor deceit,
And no one was false in speech either.
Measures and weights were right;
No one cheated or wronged his neighbor.
When Maveli, our King, ruled the land,
All the people formed one casteless races”

We can argue that the aforementioned is just an imagination rather than reality but is it a sample of the statement made by Albert Einstein on Mahatma Gandhi that "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." Whatever is the case, King Mahabali was the first person to ignite the thought of Right Person at Right Place in my mind.

The core of any event on earth trickles down to the individual, their maturity, attitude, and discipline. The CPU of the now robotic life is the mindset, which is directly or indirectly being programmed to float around the materialistic and immaterial pleasures. It doesn’t mean that all are trapped in that “World of Maya” but there is a strong wave moving in that direction that years down the line all of us may be addicted to it where discipline and righteousness will become trademarks of outdated individuals.

Nowadays the wrong things and causes are being the center of attraction that such people are treated as celebrities. Earlier, if a person finds someone to be cunning or dishonest, they will be sidelined and avoided because of losing his/her own identity. Whereas now those deeds are classified as smartness and they are the nucleus of celebration. This attitude is resulting in a gradual shift towards similar mindsets misunderstanding it as the shortcut to happiness and success. The aforementioned is like addiction to drugs that someone who tries to guide the right path is considered villains at the first instance; reason is a premeditated mindset and resistance to accept and follow the right path which needs dedication and systematic approach.

So even though a few argued that the concept of Right Person at Right Place is idealistic and impractical, I felt that if Prevention is Better Than Cure, then this is the best practice to follow. Even striving towards it and getting organized itself should yield good results. The key point one should realize is that only the broadminded and intellect will really understand the value of this concept.

With the current mind getting spoiled by the fantasies, only when the people who stand at the border of ecstasy of shortcuts & sweetness of truth graduates to accept and follow the higher value, we will start seeing the shift in the paradigm. The spoiled may cry foul because they have submerged deep in the imaginative world that coming out of it will need extra effort and forgoing the pleasures will not be that easy. So they may erupt with all sort of counter reactions which will need to be dealt with a neutral analysis and never getting carried away perspective.

The process of weeding off will be successful only if it is removed from the root, else the possibility of recurrence will be high. Unlike surgery, corrective measures involving human mind will need a slow and systematic approach. At the ground level, before initiating the process, what is important is the acceptance and belief that the tool in hand can be a viable solution and an earnest effort to stick to the basics and never get carried away.

We should also understand that any constructive measures will take some time to reap results but destructive things will spread like wild fire and give momentary output. Ignoring a beautiful pond as such and allowing the plants to multiply out of proportion and erasing the pond forever need no effort but maintaining it properly needs some genuine effort, which in turn will come out with widespread goodness to all the direct and indirect dependence of the pond.

Let us not misunderstand knowledge equates to intellect. Anyone who have good retention capacity or can logically grasp the scientific and non-scientific theories can claim to be knowledgeable but being intellect sets a much higher standard than that. An unbiased, neutral, broadminded individual who can perceive things from every angle and then draw the optimal conclusion taking hand of righteousness can be an ideal choice for an intellect.

Since an attitude to shoulder all the stress and strain at the top level and pamper the next gen is spreading at a rapid pace, we are at a situation where however the kid is, the parent should be flexible and tolerant; however the student is, the teacher should be adjusting and soft; however the employee is, the manager should be gentle and acceptive; however the people are, the nation should be progressive. Maybe it is quick fix we found since some empty vessels made too much of noise but what about the long-term when these kids , students, employees, and people need to elevate to become the parents, teachers, managers and represent the world??? In the name of generating retentive atmosphere, are we ending up grooming unmoulded and immature but egoist group to key positions, which may lead to further chain reactions that would shake up the entire stability and balance???

Though the practicality of a becoming a ruler like King Mahabali and establishing a life style of his time may trigger doubt in the minds, realizing a solution but not striving for it will be more grave and inhumane than people who spoiled things by living in a world of immaturity. The primary preparation is to have the right mindset. Let’s prepare ourselves mentally before getting into the act, which is the biggest and strongest investment; the backbone of the long journey ahead. Let the attitude, talent and Aura of Kind Mahabali be filled in each and everyone in this world establishing a prosperous world filled with the truth and righteous around. I wish we start seeing the Right Person in each and every one of us and start decorating the Right
Positions we take with at most precision. Happy Onam!!!


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