Saturday, October 02, 2010

We Are Sorry...

Bapu, you are remembered today by our nation for the struggle you have undergone to give us the freedom which we are utilizing bribing and getting bribes, being involved in scams, killing our fellow countrymen, extorting, enough...the list goes on. Yes, we are proud that we are following you - albeit your pic that we have beautifully printed on what we call CURRENCY. And we are equally proud that we are following your ideologies at least 10% which we hope to bring down to 0% by 2020. Anyways, we are also sorry that you are only rememberd this one day and that's the only day your statues get a bath and then you need to wait for a year to get yourself cleaned from the dust and crow droppings. Sitting there you might feel if you had wasted your life in giving us this freedom. But BAPU, please don't curse us...We are unrepairable. Forgive Us.


Suresh Narayanan said...

Some greatest lines I ever come across, that explains our post-independent 60 years. But we deserve his curses.

Unknown said...

Really nice to realize what we have done all these 60years after freedom.. Yet certain positive things are also there, addition of that will help us to make a great future...

Ramesh said...

Suresh: Thanks Suresh.

Bala: You are absolutely right in your opinion that lots of positives are also there. Some of my previous posts itself is a testimony to that. But had we not had so many negatives, we would have been much much more advanced was only meant.