Sunday, July 25, 2010

How I Wonder What You Are!

Frankly speaking I had never heard about Prahlad Jani Mataji (male he is!) until two days ago when a program was aired about him in Vijay TV. That instilled a curiousness in me and it led to a little bit of research about him.

He claims to have lived without food and water for the past 82 years or so. Inedia or Breatharianism has references dated years back, but his claims are yet to be fully studied.

Two extensive testings were conducted on him by the doctors and researchers of Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Science (DIPAS), a branch of India's Defence Research and Development Organisation within the Indian Ministry of Defence. In 2003 and then this year, 2010, a team of 35 doctors kept him under 24-hour surveillance for fifteen days. The team reported that he did not consume any food or water during this time. Only thing he did was gargling and bathing and doctors had measured the fluid that was spit out. But they did not comment on his claim of being able to survive this way for several years. The study concluded that he was healthy without food or water, and had passed no urine or stool and no dialysis during this period.

Anyway until all results are published in a scientific journal, we will have to wait for the genuiness of these claims.

An excerpt:


Unknown said...

Hurray... so a permanent solution up for the struggle to satisfy this stomach that has been happening geneations over generations, for millions of years. Hmmm

Unknown said...

Indeed..we need to teach some spellings for Sathish...first for his name itself..!!!

Ramesh said...

Sathish:- Hmmmm..... :-)

Brigadier:- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Brigadier come on. Am teaching you a universal philosophy and you are not seeing beyond the spellings. Hmmm. Need to grow. The need to erase the concept of "I" is emphasised in it. Ha ha ha ;-)