Monday, July 05, 2010

Quote for the Day

Today, I was just thinking of a few quotes that I sometime use in my conversations, and never really think about who actually said those. Of course, when we use a TV, we don't think about John Baird all the time; neither of Galileo when we use a thermometer. That made me think about starting something like Quote for the Day, just to make a mention of the people who said those and remember them. To start with I chose for today a famous one:

A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever - JOHN KEATS

This is the beginning line of his poem Endymion published in 1818, and it received a lot of criticism after its publication. But it mentions things of beauty like trees, rivers, shepherds, sheep. The poet finds solace in nature, yet the pain and sting of ill health is still written repeatedly among nature’s beauty throughout this poem, thought something to do with the tuberculosis that he was suffering from, at the age of 20. John Keats just lived 25 years, but gave the world a collection of good poems, and was considered a romantic poet.

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